How To Propagate Lavender

One of the best ways to get more plants for your garden is to propagate more from plants that you already own. With lavender, this is usually accomplished by means of layering. While lavender can sometimes be grown from seed, the process is extremely slow and with patchy success rates. Of course, if you have hybrid varieties, then your plants will not come true from seed in any case. So what you will do is propagate your lavender plants by using the layering technique.

What is Layering?

Layering is a technique which basically involves:

  • Taking a low, woody branch of your lavender plant.
  • Cutting a shallow notch in that branch.
  • Bending the branch downwards, pressing that notch to the ground and making sure that it stays there, covered in soil.
  • Using a peg, or a heavy rock to hold the branch down.
  • Waiting for roots to form. (Using rooting compound increases the chances of success, but is not essential to the process.)

Making New Lavender Plants

Once you have undertaken the layering process, it is time to divide the new rooted sections that you have created from the main lavender plants. To make sure that the process has worked, and the new roots have definitely formed, pull gently on the branch and see whether or not it is anchored into the soil. If it is, you are likely to have a healthy root system, that will be able to sustain a new plant.

This means that you can take a sharp knife and divide the branch, separating your new lavender plant or plants from the old ones.

You can then simply dig up your new lavender plant and move it carefully to its new home somewhere else in your garden. Remember, lavender will like a sunny spot, in free draining soil. You could also grow your new lavender plants in containers.

This technique can not only be used to propagate lavender, it can also be used for a range of other plants, including herbs like thyme, and other Mediterranean herbs that you might have in your garden. Don't automatically go out and buy new plants to fill gaps in your garden, consider making new plants from one ones you already have in your garden instead. This is most definitely a more sustainable and eco-friendly way to increase the plant stock where you live.